Our Services

Tailor-made consulting means also adapting to each curve and angle of the Client's business and personal needs, which often cross and intertwine each other. Having more than one perspective allows us to appreciate the multifaceted and diverse realities that have to be addressed in the best possible way.
Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, DLT and Fintech International Comparative Legal & Tax Advisory

Global Leading firm in the Blockchain, DLT, Cryptocurrency and in general Fintech space with in-depth knowledge and experience in:
- International Comparative legal and regulatory advisory for new projects, startups and digital tokens; specialized in International Comparative Token/Project Legal Opinion drafting.
- ICO, IEO, IDO and other token placement, sale and distribution models consulting; ancillary documentation review&drafting (e.g. T&Cs, privacy policy, listing agreements, SAFTs, SAFEs with Warrants and Token Side Letters);
- Stablecoins and other low volatility tokens related advisory;
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi) International legal and regulatory assistance; Blockchain gaming (play-2-earn); NFT Marketplace and Platforms (different kinds); CEX and DEX related legal assistance. Specialised contractual agreements drafting like SAFT, Token Sale Agreement, NFT Sale Agreement, Advisory Agreement, IEO/Launchpad Listing Agreement and others.
- DAO/DAC setup, constitution drafting, corresponding legal entity setup;
- Assistance for Crypto businesses, traders, brokers and Exchanges in applying for the Singapore Payment Services Act licensing (Standard and Major Payment Institution); Estonia Virtual Assets Service Provider License; Bahamas DARE; Antigua DAB and other licensing, including the new Georgian VASP License.
- Corporate/legal entity structuring for Crypto/Blockchain businesses, Foundations/Associations and Crypto Funds in a number of jurisdictions. Crypto Funds, VC Funds, Investment vehicles setup in different jurisdictions.
- Extensive track record (with client reference list available on request) in particular with Ethereum/ERC-20, EOS, BSC/BEP20, SOLANA, Polygon, ALGORAND, TON and smaller or enterprise blockchain-based projects (Tezos, Telos, Quorum and others).
We are an Ethereum Blockchain Verifiable Member of ACCESS - the Singapore Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Association
To verify, please download the Member Certificate here below and upload it on this Website.
To verify, please download the Member Certificate here below and upload it on this Website.

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